Unleashing The Potential of AI in Your Portfolio


July 16, 2024 Unleashing the Potential of AI in Your Portfolio Dear Friend: Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to reshape industries, driving innovation and transforming traditional business models. In this newsletter, we explore how three companies in our core holdings — JP Morgan Chase, Royal Caribbean Group, and The Walt Disney Company — are harnessing AI to revolutionize their operations .... Continue Reading

Unleashing The Potential of AI in Your Portfolio2024-07-16T14:51:05+02:00

Het is Eten of Gegeten Worden


16 juni, 2024 Het is Eten of Gegeten Worden Weging ASMI bijgeschaafd na sterke opmars Graag informeren wij je over de beleggingsresultaten van de Euronext Exit Targets (E.E.T.) modelportefeuille over de maand mei 2024. Deze actief beheerde portefeuille bevat aandelen van 15 ondernemingen met een beursnotering aan Euronext Amsterdam. De geselecteerde deelnemingen hebben als gemeenschappelijk kenmerk een onderscheidend en .... Continue Reading

Het is Eten of Gegeten Worden2024-07-16T10:31:25+02:00

Don’t Fall For These Traps!


January 10, 2024 Don’t Fall For These Traps! Dear Friend: Over the years, we have communicated with you through the Noesis quarterly newsletters, in-person meetings, and phone calls regarding topics that dominated the news. On December 18, 2023, the Wall Street Journal published an article, “What the Stock Market Taught Us This Year: Don’t Fall for These Traps,” saying that investors have been more influenced by .... Continue Reading

Don’t Fall For These Traps!2024-01-23T10:54:03+02:00

Update december 2023


4 januari, 2024 Update december 2023 Geachte relatie: Hierbij een overzicht van belangrijkste items die in de beursmaand december voorbij kwamen, alsmede de rangen en standen binnen de belangrijkste Nederlandse indices. het team van Noesis Capital wenst u in ieder geval een gezond en voorspoedig 2024!     29-12-2023 30-11-2023 % change 30-12-2022 % change AEX-index 786,82 765,04 +2,8 689,01 +14,2 AMX-index 926,08 .... Continue Reading

Update december 20232024-01-04T17:17:27+02:00

Inflation and Interest Rates


October 11, 2023 Inflation and Interest Rates Dear Friend: The topic of inflation and interest rates remained top of mind for investors throughout this year and last. We will discuss recent developments, their impact on fixed income and equity markets, as well as opportunities we have identified. Since March 2022, the Federal Reserve (Fed) has raised its short-term interest rate, the federal funds .... Continue Reading

Inflation and Interest Rates2023-11-14T16:58:57+02:00

Executing Your Financial Plan and Expanding the Noesis Family


July 13, 2023 Executing Your Financial Plan and Expanding the Noesis Family Dear Friend: It is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and we hope that you are enjoying the warmer months and longer days with family and friends. We recently celebrated the Fourth of July in the United States, but we were not the only ones partaking in the 247th Independence Day. Our .... Continue Reading

Executing Your Financial Plan and Expanding the Noesis Family2023-11-14T16:57:56+02:00

Risk Management and Investment Discipline


April 17, 2023 Risk Management and Investment Discipline Dear Friend: The most significant event in the first quarter of 2023 was the failure of two U.S. banks on March 9 and the subsequent panic in the U.S. regional banks. Fortunately, the Federal Reserve, the Treasury Department, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) took swift action to calm the market and depositors. The .... Continue Reading

Risk Management and Investment Discipline2023-11-14T16:59:34+02:00

Outlook for 2023


January 17, 2023 Outlook for 2023 Dear Friend: We had a cautiously optimistic outlook at the beginning of 2022 and did not expect it to be a challenging year like it had been. Several things surprised investors. First, inflation pressure continued to rise rapidly until the fourth quarter, so the central banks had to raise interest rates faster than anticipated. Second is the .... Continue Reading

Outlook for 20232023-11-14T17:00:22+02:00

The Challenge and Opportunity of Inflation


October 18, 2022 The Challenge and Opportunity of Inflation Dear Friend: It has been a year since we discussed the supply chain issue, labor shortage, ongoing pandemic, China slowdown, and inflation. Some of the challenges persist and continue to cause colossal volatility in the stock markets. The recent focus has been on inflation and the central banks’ actions to tame it. Inflation was .... Continue Reading

The Challenge and Opportunity of Inflation2023-11-14T17:02:39+02:00

Bear Markets, Speculators in Cryptoassets Lost $ This Year


July 18, 2022 BEAR Markets, Speculators in Cryptoassets Lost $2,000,000,000,000 This Year Dear Friend: This summer I wanted to write about market volatility and investor behavior in down markets, and then I remembered that we discussed these topics in Noesis’ July 2014 newsletter. Our message is the same now as it was in 2014. Re-reading this newsletter, I realized that I cannot improve .... Continue Reading

Bear Markets, Speculators in Cryptoassets Lost $ This Year2023-11-14T17:03:30+02:00
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