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Markets update
15 January 2025

Focus on Fundamentals Instead of Forecasting the Future

Focus on Fundamentals Instead of Forecasting the Future

Geachte relatie,

Nu we het jaar 2024 afsluiten, is het een goed moment om na…. Continue Reading

July 16, 2024

Unleashing the Potential of AI in Your Portfolio

Dear Friend:
Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to reshape industries, driving innovation and transforming traditional business models. In this newsletter, we explore how…. Continue Reading
16 juni, 2024

Het is Eten of Gegeten Worden

Weging ASMI bijgeschaafd na sterke opmars
Graag informeren wij je over de beleggingsresultaten van de Euronext Exit Targets (E.E.T.) modelportefeuille over de…. Continue Reading

Don’t Fall For These Traps!

Dear Friend:

Over the years, we have communicated with you through the Noesis quarterly newsletters, in-person meetings, and phone calls regarding topics that dominated the news.…. Continue Reading

4 januari, 2024

Update december 2023

Geachte relatie:
Hierbij een overzicht van belangrijkste items die in de beursmaand december voorbij kwamen, alsmede de rangen en standen binnen de belangrijkste Nederlandse indices. het team van Noesis Capital wenst…. Continue Reading

October 11, 2023

Inflation and Interest Rates

Dear Friend:

The topic of inflation and interest rates remained top of mind for investors throughout this year and last. We will discuss recent developments, their impact on fixed…. Continue Reading

Executing Your Financial Plan and Expanding the Noesis Family

Dear Friend:

It is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and we hope that you are enjoying the warmer months and longer days with…. Continue Reading

Risk Management and Investment Discipline

Dear Friend:

The most significant event in the first quarter of 2023 was the failure of two U.S. banks on March 9 and the subsequent panic in…. Continue Reading

Outlook for 2023

Dear Friend:

We had a cautiously optimistic outlook at the beginning of 2022 and did not expect it to be a challenging year like it had been. Several things…. Continue Reading

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